var devEnv = true; // route to localhost if in dev, else, route to live var urlbase = devEnv = true ? "https://localhost:7282/browse/" : ""; var ClickableMap = {}; (function () { var version = '1.0.0'; var classPrefix = 'cmm-usa-'; var creditLinkUrl = ''; var stateCount = 0; var maxTableColumns = 5; var global = this; this.getEleById = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id) }; this.getEleByQuery = function (query) { return document.querySelector(query) }; this.stateIdToDomClass = function (stateId) { return classPrefix + 'state-' + stateId.toLowerCase() }; this.version = version; function createBaseGlobalData() { return { version: version, width: '800', widthUnits: 'px', fontSize: '12px', fontName: 'Arial', fill: '#97e2bb', hoverFill: '#ffffff', disabledFill: '#c2c2c2', backgroundFill: '#ffffff', innerLabelColor: '#000000', outerLabelColor: '#000000', hoverLabelColor: '#D64933', borderType: null, borderStroke: '#49bc95', enableShadows: true, popLink: false, showStateTitleAndDescOnHover: true, showLinksList: false, globalLinkUrl: null, globalJsCallback: null, mapTitle: 'Choose your state below', creditLink: 'Create a clickable USA map at' } } function createBaseStatesData() { var statesData = { AL: { fullName: 'Alabama' }, AK: { fullName: 'Alaska' }, AZ: { fullName: 'Arizona' }, AR: { fullName: 'Arkansas' }, CA: { fullName: 'California' }, CO: { fullName: 'Colorado' }, CT: { fullName: 'Connecticut' }, DE: { fullName: 'Delaware' }, DC: { fullName: 'District Of Columbia' }, FL: { fullName: 'Florida' }, GA: { fullName: 'Georgia' }, HI: { fullName: 'Hawaii' }, ID: { fullName: 'Idaho' }, IL: { fullName: 'Illinois' }, IN: { fullName: 'Indiana' }, IA: { fullName: 'Iowa' }, KS: { fullName: 'Kansas' }, KY: { fullName: 'Kentucky' }, LA: { fullName: 'Louisiana' }, ME: { fullName: 'Maine' }, MD: { fullName: 'Maryland' }, MA: { fullName: 'Massachusetts' }, MI: { fullName: 'Michigan' }, MN: { fullName: 'Minnesota' }, MS: { fullName: 'Mississippi' }, MO: { fullName: 'Missouri' }, MT: { fullName: 'Montana' }, NE: { fullName: 'Nebraska' }, NV: { fullName: 'Nevada' }, NH: { fullName: 'New Hampshire' }, NJ: { fullName: 'New Jersey' }, NM: { fullName: 'New Mexico' }, NY: { fullName: 'New York' }, NC: { fullName: 'North Carolina' }, ND: { fullName: 'North Dakota' }, OH: { fullName: 'Ohio' }, OK: { fullName: 'Oklahoma' }, OR: { fullName: 'Oregon' }, PA: { fullName: 'Pennsylvania' }, RI: { fullName: 'Rhode Island' }, SC: { fullName: 'South Carolina' }, SD: { fullName: 'South Dakota' }, TN: { fullName: 'Tennessee' }, TX: { fullName: 'Texas' }, UT: { fullName: 'Utah' }, VT: { fullName: 'Vermont' }, VA: { fullName: 'Virginia' }, WA: { fullName: 'Washington' }, WV: { fullName: 'West Virginia' }, WI: { fullName: 'Wisconsin' }, WY: { fullName: 'Wyoming' } }; for (var stateId in statesData) { if (!statesData.hasOwnProperty(stateId)) { continue } statesData[stateId].title = statesData[stateId].fullName; statesData[stateId].description = null; statesData[stateId].longDescription = null; statesData[stateId].linkUrl = null; statesData[stateId].isDisabled = false; statesData[stateId].isHovering = false; statesData[stateId].cssClass = null; statesData[stateId].overrideFill = null; statesData[stateId].overrideFillEnabled = false; statesData[stateId].overrideHoverFill = null; statesData[stateId].overrideHoverFillEnabled = false; statesData[stateId].overridePopLink = null, stateCount++ } return statesData } function stateOn(stateId) { if (this.statesData[stateId].isHovering) { return } this.statesData[stateId].isHovering = true; var $stateLink = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + global.stateIdToDomClass(stateId)); var $statePath = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + global.stateIdToDomClass(stateId) + ' path'); var $stateText = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + global.stateIdToDomClass(stateId) + ' text'); if (this.statesData[stateId].isDisabled) { $ = this.globalData.disabledFill; $ = 'default' } else if (this.statesData[stateId].overrideHoverFillEnabled && this.statesData[stateId].overrideHoverFill != null) { $ = this.statesData[stateId].overrideHoverFill; $ = this.globalData.hoverLabelColor; $ = 'pointer' } else { $ = this.globalData.hoverFill; $ = this.globalData.hoverLabelColor; $ = 'pointer' } if (this.globalData.showStateTitleAndDescOnHover) { var $hoverStateInfo = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + classPrefix + 'hover-state-info'); var titleText = this.statesData[stateId].title == null ? '' : this.statesData[stateId].title; var descText = this.statesData[stateId].description == null ? '' : this.statesData[stateId].description; var longDescText = this.statesData[stateId].longDescription == null ? '' : this.statesData[stateId].longDescription; var titleSpan = document.createElement('span'); var descSpan = document.createElement('span'); titleSpan.textContent = titleText; if (longDescText != '') { descSpan.innerHTML = longDescText } else { descSpan.textContent = descText } while ($hoverStateInfo.firstChild) { $hoverStateInfo.removeChild($hoverStateInfo.firstChild) } $hoverStateInfo.appendChild(titleSpan); $hoverStateInfo.appendChild(descSpan); $ = 'block' } if (!this.statesData[stateId].isDisabled && this.globalData.enableShadows) { statePathBlur = $statePath.cloneNode(true); statePathBlur.setAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + this.$ + '-blur-filter)'); statePathBlur.setAttribute('class', classPrefix + 'state-shadow'); $stateLink.parentNode.appendChild(statePathBlur); $stateLink.parentNode.appendChild($stateLink) } } function stateOff(stateId) { this.statesData[stateId].isHovering = false; var $statePath = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + global.stateIdToDomClass(stateId) + ' path'); var $stateText = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + global.stateIdToDomClass(stateId) + ' text'); var isOuterLabel = $stateText.getAttribute('class') == classPrefix + 'outer-label'; if (this.globalData.showStateTitleAndDescOnHover) { var $hoverStateInfo = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + classPrefix + 'hover-state-info'); $ = 'none' } if (this.statesData[stateId].isDisabled) { $ = this.globalData.disabledFill } else if (this.statesData[stateId].overrideFillEnabled && this.statesData[stateId].overrideFill != null) { $ = this.statesData[stateId].overrideFill; $ = isOuterLabel ? this.globalData.outerLabelColor : this.globalData.innerLabelColor } else { $ = this.globalData.fill; $ = isOuterLabel ? this.globalData.outerLabelColor : this.globalData.innerLabelColor } var allShadows = document.querySelectorAll('#' + this.$ + ' .' + classPrefix + 'state-shadow');, function (ele) { ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele) }) } this.create = function (wrapperId) { return new this.mapObject(wrapperId) }; this.mapObject = function (wrapperId) { this.$map = global.getEleById(wrapperId); this.globalData = createBaseGlobalData(); this.statesData = createBaseStatesData(); for (var stateId in this.statesData) { if (!this.statesData.hasOwnProperty(stateId)) { continue } (function (stateId) { var $stateLink = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + global.stateIdToDomClass(stateId)); var self = this; $stateLink.addEventListener('mouseover', function (e) {, stateId) }); $stateLink.addEventListener('mouseout', function (e) {, stateId) }); $stateLink = null }.call(this, stateId)) } global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + classPrefix + 'blur-filter').setAttribute('id', this.$ + '-blur-filter') }; this.mapObject.prototype.getDomId = function () { return this.$ }; this.mapObject.prototype.draw = function () { this.$ = this.globalData.width + this.globalData.widthUnits; this.$ = this.globalData.backgroundFill; this.$ = this.globalData.fontName; this.$ = this.globalData.fontSize; global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + classPrefix + 'title').textContent = this.globalData.mapTitle; for (var stateId in this.statesData) { if (!this.statesData.hasOwnProperty(stateId)) { continue } var stateDomClass = global.stateIdToDomClass(stateId); var $stateTitle = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + stateDomClass + ' title'); var $stateDescription = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + stateDomClass + ' desc'); $stateTitle.textContent = this.statesData[stateId].title; $stateDescription.textContent = this.statesData[stateId].description; var $statePath = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + stateDomClass + ' path'); $ = this.globalData.borderStroke; if (this.globalData.borderType != null) { $ = this.globalData.borderType } else { $ = 'none' } if (this.statesData[stateId].isDisabled) { $ = this.globalData.disabledFill } else if (this.statesData[stateId].overrideFillEnabled && this.statesData[stateId].overrideFill != null) { $ = this.statesData[stateId].overrideFill } else { $ = this.globalData.fill } var $allLabels = document.querySelectorAll('#' + this.$ + ' .' + stateDomClass + ' text'); for (var i = 0; i < $allLabels.length; ++i) { $allLabels.item(i).style.fill = this.globalData.innerLabelColor } this.wireStateLink(stateId, false) } var $outerLabels = document.querySelectorAll('#' + this.$ + ' .' + classPrefix + 'outer-label'); for (var i = 0; i < $outerLabels.length; ++i) { $outerLabels.item(i).style.fill = this.globalData.outerLabelColor } if (this.globalData.showLinksList) { this.displayMapLinksList() } else { global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + classPrefix + 'listview').innerHTML = '' } this.$ = 'block' }; this.mapObject.prototype.getGlobalData = function () { return this.globalData }; this.mapObject.prototype.getStatesData = function () { return this.statesData }; this.mapObject.prototype.setGlobalData = function (data) { for (var setting in this.globalData) { if (!this.globalData.hasOwnProperty(setting) || !data.hasOwnProperty(setting)) { continue } this.globalData[setting] = data[setting] } }; this.mapObject.prototype.setStatesData = function (data) { for (var state in this.statesData) { if (!this.statesData.hasOwnProperty(state) || !data.hasOwnProperty(state)) { continue } for (var setting in this.statesData[state]) { if (!this.statesData[state].hasOwnProperty(setting) || !data[state].hasOwnProperty(setting)) { continue } this.statesData[state][setting] = data[state][setting] } } }; this.mapObject.prototype.wireStateLink = function (stateId, addLiveClassName, linkType) { var clickFn = null; linkType = linkType ? linkType : ''; var $stateLink = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + global.stateIdToDomClass(stateId) + linkType); if (this.statesData[stateId].cssClass != null) { $stateLink.setAttribute('class', $stateLink.getAttribute('class') + ' ' + this.statesData[stateId].cssClass) } if (this.statesData[stateId].isDisabled) { clickFn = null } else if (this.statesData[stateId].linkUrl != null) { var self = this; clickFn = function (e) { var isPop = false; if (self.statesData[stateId].overridePopLink != null) { isPop = self.statesData[stateId].overridePopLink } else if (self.globalData.popLink) { isPop = true } if (isPop) {[stateId].linkUrl) } else { document.location.href = self.statesData[stateId].linkUrl } } } else if (this.globalData.globalLinkUrl != null) { var self = this; clickFn = function (e) { var normalizedUrl = self.globalData.globalLinkUrl.replaceAll('@state', stateId); var isPop = false; if (self.statesData[stateId].overridePopLink != null) { isPop = self.statesData[stateId].overridePopLink } else if (self.globalData.popLink) { isPop = true } if (isPop) { } else { document.location.href = normalizedUrl } } } else if (this.globalData.globalJsCallback != null) { var self = this; clickFn = function (e) { var fn = window[self.globalData.globalJsCallback]; if (typeof fn == 'function') { fn(stateId) } else { console.log('Unable to execute function: ' + self.globalData.globalJsCallback + '("' + stateId + '")') } } } $stateLink.onclick = clickFn; if (addLiveClassName) { var liveLinkClassName = classPrefix + 'live-link'; $stateLink.className = $stateLink.className.replace(' ' + liveLinkClassName, ''); if (clickFn != null) { $stateLink.className = $stateLink.className + ' ' + liveLinkClassName } } }; this.mapObject.prototype.displayMapLinksList = function () { var $linkList = global.getEleByQuery('#' + this.$ + ' .' + classPrefix + 'listview'); var allListsHtml = ''; var stateIds = []; for (var stateId in this.statesData) { if (!this.statesData.hasOwnProperty(stateId)) { continue } stateIds.push(stateId) } var widthPercent = Math.floor(100 / maxTableColumns); var itemsPerList = Math.ceil(stateCount / maxTableColumns); var sliceStart = 0; for (var i = 0; i < maxTableColumns; ++i) { var slicedIds = stateIds.slice(sliceStart, sliceStart + itemsPerList); sliceStart += itemsPerList; if (slicedIds.length > 0) { var ul = document.createElement('UL'); = widthPercent + '%'; for (var x = 0; x < slicedIds.length; ++x) { var li = document.createElement('LI'); li.appendChild(document.createElement('SPAN')); var a = document.createElement('A'); a.className = classPrefix + 'state-' + slicedIds[x].toLowerCase() + '-listview'; a.textContent = this.statesData[slicedIds[x]].title; li.appendChild(a); ul.appendChild(li) } $linkList.appendChild(ul) } } for (var stateId in this.statesData) { if (!this.statesData.hasOwnProperty(stateId)) { continue } this.wireStateLink(stateId, true, '-listview') } }; if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = this } }).apply(ClickableMap); var myUsaMap = ClickableMap.create('cmm-usa'); myUsaMap.setGlobalData({ "version": "1.0.0", "width": "800", "widthUnits": "px", "fontSize": "12px", "fontName": "Arial", "fill": "#97e2bb", "hoverFill": "#ffffff", "disabledFill": "#c2c2c2", "backgroundFill": "#ffffff", "innerLabelColor": "#000000", 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