from threading import Thread from uuid import uuid4 as uuid from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, abort from crew import ChatCrew from job_manager import jobs_lock, append_event, jobs, Event from datetime import datetime import json app = Flask(__name__) def kickoff_crew(job_id, company, contact, interests, city): print(f"Running crew for {job_id} for company {company} with point of contact {contact}") # Setup the crew, run, and process results results = None try: crew = ChatCrew(job_id=job_id) crew.setup_crew(company=company, contact=contact, interests=interests, city=city) result = crew.kickoff() except Exception as e: print(f"CREW FALED: {str(e)}") append_event(job_id, f"CREW FAILED: {str(e)}") with jobs_lock: jobs[job_id].status = "ERROR" jobs[job_id].result = str(e) with jobs_lock: jobs[job_id].status = "COMPLETE" jobs[job_id].result = result jobs[job_id].events.append(Event( data="CREW COMPLETED", )) @app.route('/api/crew', methods=['POST']) def run_crew(): data = request.json if not data or 'company' not in data or 'contact' not in data or 'interests' not in data or 'city' not in data: abort(400, description='Invalid request') job_id = str(uuid()) company = data['company'] contact = data['contact'] interests = data['interests'] city = data['city'] # Run the crew thread = Thread(target=kickoff_crew, args=(job_id, company, contact, interests, city)) thread.start() return jsonify({'job_id': job_id}), 200 @app.route('/api/crew/', methods=['GET']) def get_status(job_id): # Lock the job and check if it exists with jobs_lock: job = jobs.get(job_id) if not job: abort(404, description="Job not found") try: result_json = json.loads(job.result) except: result_json = job.result print(f"{job_id} | {job.status} | {result_json}") return jsonify({ 'job_id': job_id, 'status': job.status, 'result': result_json, 'events': [{"timestamp": event.timestamp.isoformat(), "data":} for event in] }), 200 if __name__ == '__main__':, port=3001)