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How We Elevate Your Business

KeyMotive offers a wide variety of marketing solutions to attract as many customers as possible.

Direct mail marketing programs which increase customer retention as well as new customer acquisition.

Offering programs specifically targeted to increasing the number of customers who visit your business, we are your one-stop shop for all of your direct marketing needs.

Statistical predictive models using your customers' transaction history.

Our models know when one of your customers is in the market for one of your products or services.

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Multi-channel marketing to reach the most scrutinous of today's customers.

We can send your marketing messages throguh postal mail, email or text messaging, and adhering toall regulations pertaining to opt-out and consumer privacy.

Why Trust Us?

What We Provide:

  • Data-Driven Approach
  • Ongoing Support
  • Proven Results
  • 15 Years of Experience
  • Multi-Channel Marketing
  • Carefully Curated Content

Results Driven

The numbers always tell a story. We want that story to be what you are looking for, so we analyze and adjust programs - finding ways to improve them.


The key to effective collaboration is open communication. A constructive dialogue will produce marketing programs that work for you.


Perfection can be limited by its nature, but pursuing excellence is a journey with rewards. With every shop's unique needs, it is always a challenge worth accepting.


Word of mouth is still the best form of marketing. It's just not done face-to-face as much. So use the technology and adapt to today's environment. Enhance the customer journey.


Our models are finely tuned to know what your customers' needs are.


We are always eager to collaborate with you to provide more value through your marketing channels. Your customer retention and satisfaction is our priority.

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